- Design research and creative inspiration
- Dribble
- Behance (branding examples)
- Issuu (magazines)
- httpster (websites)
- awwwards (websites)
- Designspiration
- Designsponge
- Lovelypackage (packaging examples)
- graphic design forum
- Typography (font lists)
- Adobe fonts
- Behance (fonts)
- Awwwards lists
- Fontshop.be (selection of free fonts)
- flat-design-free-fonts (free fonts)
- Typography (inspiration)
- Ilovetypography
- history of posters
- My Fonts
- Emigre
- Typophile
nicewebtype - Typography rules
- Explorationsintypography
- typographyserved
- Create your own font
- Creative communities
- Tumblr
- Piccsy
- Vimeo
- Etsy
- Behance
- Color
- Colorhexa
- css color names
- Free images
- unsplash
- flickr creative commons
- morguefile
- sxc.hu
- stockpholio
- openphoto
- cgtextures
- picjumbo
- pixabay
- pixelperfectdigital
- freepik
- Image Banks
- Shutterstock
- istock
- Free mockups
- Behance free mockups
- Graphic Burger
- Prototyping
- Pencil and paper wireframes
- Doodles
- Creative cloud
- Illustration inspiration
- Tumblr
- Flickr
- Piccsy
- shutterstock
- istock
- etsy
- Designers and illustrators
- Raquel Aparicio
- Julia Rothman
- Brian Rea
- Emily Anderson
- Yumi Sakugawa