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Camellia honey

This jar of flower honey is a beautiful combination of camellias and guger flowers in mountains, which blossom in the end of the spring and are gathered in the beginning of summer.

It is Mr. Wang’s proposition to develop the resource of honey in pure environment. He insists using the old fashioned way to gather honey, and that is to wait. He waits for the bees to wave off the water in honey with their wings and body temperatures, till the moisture content is below 20%. Bees know when the honey is ready for it’s their talent, then they will produce wax and seal the honey.

This is a taste of mountain Gods party. The mixture of simple floral incents and a little sour fruit fragrance comforts you lovingly with a warm mouthful of honey that is warm and thick.

Storage period is about 5 years. Please put in shady places. Using dry spoons and avoid moisture. Honey actually can be stored for a quite long time.